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Extension Operations

Ohio State University Extension



  1. Travel Info

    Dec 30, 2024

    Travel TIPS: 2025 mileage rate: $.70 Use updated Ground Transportation LOG, Workday will calculate new mileage amount when date in Expense Lines is first day of travel from the LOG Get travel in within 60 days Use first travel date on log for expense line date Only one month per LOG
  2. Reassigning Expense Credit Card Transactions

    Feb 22, 2024

    TRAVEL expenses paid on a Department PCard must be reassigned to the traveler so they can insert their SA# (Spend Authorization #) in the expensing entry. The traveler is to do this within 7 business days of the transaction date. (The card manager is responsible for all NON-TRAVEL related purchases.)

    To REASSIGN an expense to another employee:

    Log into Workday, in SEARCH type Reassign Expense Credit Card Transactions or a short version of that and hit enter. (Less is more when typing in the Search bar.)

  3. Spend Authorization Requirements When Third Party is Paying

    Feb 20, 2024

    When an employee is traveling for business and a third party is covering all the costs:

    A spend authorization should still be submitted, but it can be submitted for $1 using the Travel Incidentals expense item.

    It should be made clear in the business justification that a third party is paying all travel costs and no expenses will be processed through the University. It also needs to be clear the dates of travel, destination and purpose of the trip.

  4. Extension Guidance on Uber/Lyft/rideshare on PCard

    Nov 16, 2023

    Uber/Lyft/rideshare apps are considered to have “clickwrap” agreements. When you are ordering or creating an account online get a message like “by clicking here I agree to terms and conditions”, this is considered a clickwrap agreement and the T&Cs must first be reviewed and approved by the legal team at OSU Purchasing prior to agreeing and continuing with payment.
    From past experience we know the University cannot agree to the T&Cs of rideshare apps, so we cannot create accounts under the University’s name.

  5. Certificates for Tax Exempt States for Out-of-State Travelers

    May 9, 2023

    While planning to travel out-of-state, one thing to consider is looking up to find if the state you are traveling to is exempt for state sales tax. Find the list on the Business and Finance website:

  6. To Close Spend Authorizations

    Apr 24, 2023

    Only close Spend Authorizations whose dates have passed, or you are SURE you will no longer need.

    in workday Search for: MY Spend Authorizations

    In the table that should open up, click the … (3 dots) by the magnifying glass clear to the left side of screen

    Click on blue link to SA#, in black bar at the top -click the … (3 dots) at the end of the words

  7. OSU Extension Travel Guideline Clarification

    Apr 23, 2023

    Travel Approval Process, Travel Policy Link and Policy Clarification on Ability to Claim Mileage to Headquarters

    Travel Approval Process

  8. Comparison Worksheet Required for Driving to Neighboring States

    Mar 28, 2023

    Comparison Worksheet:

    A travel Comparison Worksheet is needed when traveling to a neighboring state as sometimes a rental car is cheaper than using a personal vehicle.

    One thing to note is the system doesn’t always provide a location for the destination and the traveler has to choose “All Other Continental US Locations, United States of America” - this is why it is vital that an agenda is attached with the “where/when/why” detailed and adding city/state to the Justification field is very helpful.

  9. UPDATE on Expensing: CTP Booking, Expensing and Flight Invoices

    Jun 28, 2022

    CTP Airfare 
  10. Guidance on Blanket Spend Authorizations

    May 30, 2022

    Please only create ONE BLANKET Spend Authorization, even if using multiple Worktags - this can be done with multiple lines on the SA.

    Preference is that it covers the entire year- July 1 current year – June 30 following year (though SAs can be done July to December and again January to June).

    Blanket In-State Mileage
