Jan 30, 2024
Xero – Local Checking Account Software
This summer all Extension offices with local checking accounts will transition their bookkeeping to a single cloud-based software platform called Xero. Transition to Xero will be mandatory and at no cost to county budgets.
Benefits of Xero:
Jan 30, 2024
Reconciliation Process
Jan 7, 2024
No longer send the sales tax reporting spreadsheet directly to the Tax Office. Instead, please input reporting information in this Qualtrics Survey:
Mar 29, 2023
FD522, for many county cost centers, includes misc grants that were converted from PeopleSoft to workday. These 50xxxx grant funds converted to a GRxxxxx worktag.
Mar 23, 2023
For every employee there are three levels of worktags associated with them and their position. First the Organizational Assignment, then the Position costing, then the Worker costing. The Worker Costing is typically where actual payroll hits (however, if a worker costing allocation isn't done, payroll actuals will hit the Position costing). Organization Assignments have some worktags restricted from use at this high level (grants and gifts for example). Therefore, we need to use some other funding source at this level.
Jan 12, 2023
NelNet statements may appear to have credited back a payment on American Express, but in essence, it is not a credit, it’s just that American Express is working directly with Ohio State and will have a separate deposit line in ‘Find Journal Lines-OSU’ report since they are not working through the same bank as Visa/MC/Discover transactions.
Mar 19, 2022
There are a couple of methods to make corrections for our transactions in Workday:
Jan 29, 2022
"Find Purchase Order Summary – OSU" and "Find Purchase Order Details – OSU" are replacing these reports "Find Purchase Orders" and "Find Purchase Orders – OSU" as of January 31, 2022. [Source: Newslink, 1.10.22]
Dec 10, 2021
Central Financing is inputting some utilities for a few county offices that have these bills to pay: gas and electric.
To locate the invoices for reconciliation, log into Workday, type the ACCOUNT NUMBER of the utility (found on previous invoices) in the Search field and a list of Supplier Invoices comes up. (Some account numbers are only put in with the first section of a long number.)
Nov 30, 2021
Release Time Funds CARRYFORWARD balances had been brought into Workday in FD522/GR108558 in the BL1169… the amounts since October 2020 to June 2021 (soon amounts from July to October will be transferred in) were transferred into the separate county BLs… so if you run your reports on FD522/GR108558 with just your county cost center number, you should see balances in both BLs IF you have money from a previous year and money from FY2021 in a GR108558 fund.