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Extension Operations

Ohio State University Extension



  1. General Records Retention Schedule

    Sep 27, 2023

    As some offices may be moving or cleaning out, these would be ideal opportunities to reduce the amount of paper housed at local offices. Some counties may have S4 and S3 information that needs to be destroyed. Social security numbers, birth dates, copies of checks, etc. are all items we should not keep. With much of the needed backup information housed electronically, few receipts must be kept beyond the reconciliation period. Annually files should be cleaned out to lessen unnecessary accumulation of stored paper. Check here for records retention resources:

  2. Office of Sponsored Projects Updated Record Retention

    Mar 31, 2020

    Original receipts can be disposed of/destroyed once the expense posts in the financial system. This will align OSP with University policy on record retention and is allowable by sponsors. Since the electronic document/digital image is the back-up record for auditing purposes and is stored in the University controlled and secured financial system, it can be retained for an infinite period of time.