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Extension Operations

Ohio State University Extension



  1. Blanket Purchase Orders- FY26 can request after April 14, 2025

    Jan 24, 2025

    Blanket Orders are used for transactions that occur frequently, have a high variation of product types, have undetermined timing, and are not available in Buckeye Buy. Not to be used for 'GOODS', only Services.

    Accounts Payable advises users to include the service to be provided and frequency in the description line of the requisition. It will also be helpful to include the expected term agreement details in the memo to supplier field (example, $50.00/month for 12 months).  

    Please note: if this is a renewal PO, remember to inidicate the old PO# in a comment or memo box.

  2. Extension Name Badge Order Process and Format Update

    Jan 29, 2024

    New Employees

    The Extension Operations team is now ordering name badges for new employees – which will be delivered to each employee’s office location by or shortly after their start date.

    Format Update

    Both new and replacement name badges will now be ordered via UniPrint, using the Extension mark. All name badges ordered after this point will use the updated format.

  3. UniPrint Ordering

    Jan 10, 2024

    The Uniprint ordering system does not communicate with Workday. You will need to simultaneously place the order through UniPrint and create the Requisition. It is helpful to have both UniPrint and Workday in two separate windows to complete this process.

    UniPrint - Go to the UniPrint website and begin your order through their online ordering form but do not ‘SUBMIT” your order in UniPrint yet:

  4. Staples Questions/Credits/Returns

    Nov 30, 2023

    Depending on your issue with Staples orders:

    If missing an item or shipment not come yet, to track items OR for a RETURN:


    Primary customer service email:

    Escalation point for customer service issues:

  5. 4-H Project Books Payment Info

    Nov 17, 2023

    When customers are purchasing 4-H project books from the local Extension office:

  6. Publications Order Process in Workday

    Nov 15, 2023

    Set Up an Account 
  7. Holiday Staff Appreciation Event Guidance

    Nov 15, 2023

    OSU Extension:

    We have a max budget of $60/employee, and that maximum should take into consideration other staff appreciation events individual units may have had this year. This amount is not provided by the college, but rather the max allowable to spend from local sources. It is the recommendation of Extension Operations that we limit this to event/meal costs only and do not provide gifts to employees due to the taxable reporting requirements of doing so. [Jesse Buxton]


  8. Employee Apparel - Branded Merchandise

    Sep 27, 2023

    When ordering Apparel:

  9. Workday Search Tip for Ohio State Stores Inventory

    Jul 25, 2023

    OSU Stores         [Newslink 7.24.23]

    Our warehouses have thousands of items including beverages, breakroom supplies, buffers, chemicals, copy paper, gas cylinders, gloves, lab supplies, nitrile, office products and OSU branded items.

    For a quick and effective search of Ohio State Stores products available to order through Workday, click on the search catalog link, enter a brief but detailed product description, and click the Inventory box in the left margin, as shown in the screenshots below.

  10. New Internal Order Billing for Internal Service Providers

    Jul 25, 2023

    [Newslink 7.10.23]

    Coming in October 2023, Internal Service Providers (ISPs) will use a new process in Workday to invoice other internal departments or units at Ohio State. The Internal Order Billing (IOB) process replaces the need to create an Internal Service Delivery (ISD) to bill other internal departments.
