Nov 15, 2023
OSU Extension:
We have a max budget of $60/employee, and that maximum should take into consideration other staff appreciation events individual units may have had this year. This amount is not provided by the college, but rather the max allowable to spend from local sources. It is the recommendation of Extension Operations that we limit this to event/meal costs only and do not provide gifts to employees due to the taxable reporting requirements of doing so. [Jesse Buxton]
Jul 29, 2021
Office of Business and Finance: University Policy - TRAVEL
To provide units, supervisors, and travelers with specific procedures to ensure efficiency and fiscal accountability for university business travel expenditures.
May 27, 2021
University policy for the purchase of food for various functions:
The expenditure policy is the governing document that includes the purchase of food and can be found here: OSU Expenditure Policy. The guiding principles for the purchase of food on university funds include: