CFAES Give Today
Extension Operations

Ohio State University Extension



Purchasing Card, OSU Extension credit card

  1. New or Replacement PCard Applications Pickup Process

    Dec 5, 2024

    New or Replacement PCard Applications Pickup Process

    The PCard applications process was moved to Workday August 2024. Only the Card Manager may request a new card. PCard requests cannot be submitted on behalf of other employees. Please see article:  PCard Office Job Aids and FAQs

  2. Reassigning Expense Credit Card Transactions

    Feb 22, 2024

    TRAVEL expenses paid on a Department PCard must be reassigned to the traveler so they can insert their SA# (Spend Authorization #) in the expensing entry. The traveler is to do this within 7 business days of the transaction date. (The card manager is responsible for all NON-TRAVEL related purchases.)

    To REASSIGN an expense to another employee:

    Log into Workday, in SEARCH type Reassign Expense Credit Card Transactions or a short version of that and hit enter. (Less is more when typing in the Search bar.)

  3. PCard Transaction CleanUp and Report to Run

    Jun 28, 2022

    The service center is looking to clear up the backlog of unexpensed PCard transactions.  Please run "Credit Card Transactions- OSU" report monthly:

    In SEARCH type in 'Credit Card Transactions-OSU’ to find a report that will show:

  4. Compreshensive Business Purpose Tells the Story

    Mar 19, 2022

    CFAES Finance created these BUSINESS PURPOSE HELPFUL HINTS overview and webpages (links below) to help ensure a complete 'Business Purpose' is part of every expense utilizing University money.

  5. Justify the WHY of Food Purchases

    Mar 17, 2022

    Better business justification needed on food/meal purchases- entries are telling what and who, but not really addressing the "why".

    Examples of a better justification:

  6. Airfare Not Permitted on PCards

    Sep 21, 2021

    A reminder: the university's travel initiative requires that all business travel airfare must be booked through the university's contracted agencies.

    Airfare with business travel requirements:

  7. To Expense PCard Transactions

    Mar 23, 2021

    Before logging into Workday, be sure you have the associated transaction receipts available in electronic format for upload.

    On your Workday HOME screen click on ‘Request Travel or Purchase’, choose Request an expense reimbursement and/or process PCard transactions – OR just at the HOME screen SEARCH for “Create Expense Report” - IF NO CHARGES SHOW UP AT BOTTOM OF SCREEN, then there isn't any 'PCard Expensing' to be done.

  8. PCard Update

    Jan 12, 2021

    PCard Update: Logs

    The University PCard office has issued two new required tracking logs:

    PCard Tracking Log (Non-Travel) - To track the purchases on the PCard that do not have travel. Linked from the Office of Business and Finance.

  9. PCard Monthly Statements

    May 12, 2020

    PCard Office and Controller does not require any significant effort with reviewing, handling and/or retaining PCard statements.