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Ohio State University Extension



Search results

  1. April 30, 2018

    Have a safe and fun summer! ...

  2. Western Bean Cutworm Monitoring Update for Week Ending August 25, 2017

    This is the final week for WBCW trap monitoring in Ohio as very few numbers are being reported in trap counts across the state. We would like to thank everyone for their participation including land owners and farm cooperators who allowed us to place trap ...

  3. News


  4. Bloch Cancer Survivors' Plaza

    that many people would become aware of its intent. Mr. Bloch personally selected the site over five ...

  5. July 4th- Office Closed

    Office closed for the Holiday ...

  6. Soil Health Testing Field Day

    The event will focus on obtaining and maintaining healthy soil and will discuss the importance of chemical, physical and biological field tests and how they work. The field day is free of charge, and lunch will be provided. Preregistration is required by ...

  7. Chadwick Arboretum Celebrates Arbor Day

    May 5, 2006 Editor's note: Photos are available. Contact Victor Van Buchem at (614) 292-3319 ...

  8. College Job Memories

    Two CFAES alums, Adam Bennett and Mike Simpson, and one almost alumna, Cassie Reed, share their memories of college jobs. ...

  9. Ohio State Helps Cabbage Industry Dish Out the Perfect Kraut

    "We invite our growers every year to the station to check out the trials and learn from the work done ...

  10. The Costs of Nutrients, Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices and the Current Dairy Situation

    represents about 66% of the average net farm income.  If this is a safety net, the holes in the net seem ...
