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Ohio State University Extension



Search results

  1. Association of soil organic carbon with physically separated soil fractions in different land uses of Costa Rica

    Chacón, P., K. Lorenz,  R. Lal, F.G. Calhoun* and N. Fausey. 2015.  Association of soil organic carbon with physically separated soil fractions in different land uses of Costa Rica.  Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica,  Section B — Soil & Plant Science  6 ...

  2. 2016 OARDC Agronomy Workshop: Feb. 16th- Field Crops Management 401

    8:30 Check-in, coffee & donuts 9:00 How to Use and Interpret Statistics - Drs. Steve Culman & Pierce Paul 10:00 Wheat and Corn Pathology - Dr. Pierce Paul 10:30 Break 10:45 Troubleshooting Corn Ear Abnormalities - Dr. Peter Thomison 11:15 Corn Roo ...

  3. 2015-40


  4. New ENR Course Offered 2nd Session AU15

    ENR 4193 under David Hanselmann is a film/discussion series for academic credit during 2nd session AU15. Read the  FLYER  for more information.  ...

  5. Long-term droughtiness and drought tolerance of eastern US forests over five decades

    Peters, M.P., L.R. Iverson and S.N. Matthews. 2015. Long-term droughtiness and drought tolerance of eastern US forests over five decades. Forest Ecology and Management 345:56-64. Stephen N. Matthews Journal article Terrestrial Wildlife Ecology Lab ...

  6. OARDC Receives NorTech Innovation Award for Bio-energy Initiative

    “We are excited about the potential to generate energy from bio-renewable resources, which has ...

  7. Dr. Douglas Wrenn – AEDE Job Market Candidate

    advisor. To learn more about Dr. Douglas Wrenn, please see his job market profile. ...

  8. Dr. Greg Howard – AEDE Job Market Candidate

    schedule that fit his individual goals. To learn more about Dr. Greg Howard, please see his job market ...

  9. Isaí Guízar-Mateos – AEDE Job Market Candidate

    prepared him as a researcher. To learn more about Isai Guízar-Mateos, please see his job market profile. ...

  10. Nicholas Dadzie – AEDE Job Market Candidate

    including the program’s focus on teaching scholarly writing and presentation skills. To learn more about ...
