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Ohio State University Extension



Search results

  1. Little International- RSVP by October 27th

    Take in the showmanship competitions in five livestock species (goats have been added this year), and a Ham and Corned Beef Cure contest for the 103 rd  Annual Saddle and Sirloin event.  Students in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sci ...

  2. Third Annual Buckeye Classic Meat Judging Contest

    The Animal Science Department invites alumni and friends to meet up with old friends and current students involved in meat science. Alumni are invited to dust off their judging skills, and enjoy another round of judging meat. ...

  3. Healing Power of Gardens

    Cancer treatment can make it hard for patients to keep up their weight, and even when the cancer is in remission, health challenges linger.  Dr. Colleen Spees runs research gardens at Waterman Agricultural and Natural Resources Laboratory in an attempt to ...

  4. Memories of a Favorite Spot and a Legend

    Ron Buchenroth received his BS in Agricultural Economics in 1982.  He shares the remarkable story of his favorite place on campus.       ...

  5. We Want to Hear from You!

    Did a scholarship make a difference in your life? ...

  6. October 2017


  7. She Said, He Said, What? Gender and Communication

    personal and working relationships. Participants in this workshop will: Gain an understanding about how men ...

  8. Queen Maudine

    One of the most memorable homecoming queens in Ohio State's history... ...

  9. We Want to Hear from You!

    What was your favorite place on campus as a student?  ...

  10. Keeping an Eye on Beautiful Visitors

    Watch a video of Dr. Chris Tonra from the School of Environmental and Natural Resources expalining their work to monitor prothonotary warblers. ...
