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Ohio State University Extension



Search results

  1. 2018 CFAES Alumni Awards Honorees Announced

    After much deliberation, the CFAES Alumni Society Board has announced this year's Alumni Award Honorees.  ...

  2. "Our Momentum Has Never Been Greater"

    President Michael V. Drake presented his State of the University address on January 25th. ...

  3. We Want to Hear from You!

    What's the best career advice you have ever been given? ...

  4. Tips for a Healthy New Year

    We're only one month in to 2018, not too late to learn how to improve your well-being. ...

  5. Bugs to the Rescue!

    By building benign insects to improve a plant's environmental resistence, researchers are giving farmers a chance to save their crops from droughts or other threats. ...

  6. January 2018


  7. Wooster Science Cafe- Natural Product Synthesis- Wooster, Ohio

    The Wooster Science Cafe invites the public for lively conversation and insights on current science topics- all in plain English!  ...

  8. Atlanta Buckeyes Visit the Center for Civil & Human Rights- Atlanta, Georgia

    Join fellow alumni at the Center for Human and Civil Rights for a guided tour, a special presentation, and lunch. ...

  9. Behind the Scenes at the Columbus Idea Foundry- Columbus, Ohio

    This event is hosted by The College of Engineering and the Knowlton School of Architecture, and The Ohio State University Alumni Association.  Guests will be able to experiment with screen printing, virtual reality and laser cutting, with an optional Idea ...

  10. CFAES Alumni Society Cheers on Ohio State Men’s Basketball Team against Indiana- Wooster, Ohio

    Join fellow Ohio State CFAES Alumni Society in cheering on the Ohio State Men’s Basketball Team against the Indiana Hoosiers on January 30! The game begins at 7pm, but will begin socializing at 6:30pm! Facebook Event: ...
