May 7, 2021
OUR VISION: Ohioans have the knowledge and resources they need to actively engage in creating conditions in which they thrive.
OUR MISSION: We create opportunities for people to explore how science-based knowledge can improve social, economic and environmental conditions.
Leadership Notes
Spring has Arrived – Thoughts from the Director
Although it’s cooler than usual outside, spring has arrived and we’re in the middle of preparing for field days, planting crops, end-of-school activities, fair and camp planning, and much more.
This is a summary of the longer original message in the April 22 issue. OSU Extension is now transitioning and planning to open our county offices fully to the public on June 1.
As first announced on April 22, we have been granted the ability to cease the in-person exemption process. Effective immediately, NO NEW in-person programming exemptions will need to be submitted for review – if there will be FEWER than 300 attendees.
Extension Values and Keys Project – Workshop Opportunity
If you have not yet attended a Values-Keys workshop this spring, there is still time. There are two makeup sessions with facilitators T McCoy and Rob Leeds on May 26 and 27.
As announced to the county staff listserv on April 30, an OSU Extension apparel store, handled by University Tees, is now open for order placement through May 12 at 12pm (noon).
Extension Wildlife Specialist Marne Titchenell Featured in National Media
Marne Titchenell, Extension program specialist in wildlife, was central to an extensive piece related wildlife and gardens that appeared in the New York Times this week.
Report=Support! Sexual Misconduct Required Training – Due by May 30
Promoting the safety and well-being of our students, faculty and staff is Ohio State's top priority and a responsibility we all share. To advance this priority, the university requires all employees to complete sexual misconduct prevention education annually.