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Extension Operations

Ohio State University Extension


Thoughts from the Director

Memorial Day graphic

Hi friends...

I hope you are looking forward to a well-deserved long holiday weekend. It’s been a pleasure watching all of the new growth outside and having some more predictability about sunshine in Ohio. I hope you take advantage of this time off to get away from work and enjoy (in whatever way makes sense for you) family and friends, and to make time to reflect on the sacrifices made by those who have served and lost their lives in the performance of their military duties. A special thank you goes out to those in our own ranks who are serving our country through the armed forces and national guard.

I wanted to thank you for working collaboratively to plan for our return to office transition, effective June 1. You have been very thoughtful in your approaches locally to meeting the needs of the stakeholders and considering the needs of the office and your colleagues. If you have questions related to any of the flexibility options, please read the FAQs included below and review the HR resources. If you still have remaining questions, please don’t hesitate to attend the final open office hours today from 4-5 pm, reach out to your supervisor, or contact our HR team. The Return-to -Offices Readiness survey is still out and remains open through June 3. We already have nearly 600 surveys returned. I hope that you each take a moment to respond so that we have heard the perspectives of as many of our colleagues as possible as we continue to think about our immediate and ongoing approach to returning to the statewide offices, work/life balance, as well as continued training and support for the work we do.

By now, you have probably seen or heard that we received approval to remove the mask requirements at both day camps and overnight camps. The remainder of the safety guidance remains in place. The university leadership is in active discussion on how to implement more compartmentalized guidance on event venues and Extension statewide office mask requirements. I anticipate hearing soon and will update you as that information becomes available. I continue to value your patience, your compassion for one another and those we serve, and for respectfully navigating differences of opinion while we continue to navigate through uncertain times.  

Thank you!