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Extension Operations

Ohio State University Extension


News and Notes: September 4, 2020

OUR VISION: Ohioans have the knowledge and resources they need to actively engage in creating conditions in which they thrive.

OUR MISSION: We create opportunities for people to explore how science-based knowledge can improve social, economic and environmental conditions.

Leadership Notes

  1. Labor Day is upon us and I know we are all looking forward to a well-deserved, long weekend. I hope you will step away from the computer and turn off your phones (I go off the grid until Tuesday beginning at noon today).

COVID-19 Updates

  1. As we implement return to offices/campuses plans, it’s important to know that the university has established a COVID-19 Work Related Accommodations Process to ensure that faculty, staff, and graduate students have the necessary resources to work as safely as possible.

  2. The university has developed a data dashboard that will be updated weekly to inform the public about test results and other information about the university’s COVID-19 status.

  3. We wanted to organize a few resources and notes about contact tracing. Information about tracing, isolation and quarantine can be found at here.

  4. Are you wondering how to encourage your youth to wear a face-covering?

Campus Connections/Partnerships

  1. The #buckeyebreak is a 30-minute virtual hang out with real-talk from you, your peers and EAP team members.

Community Connections

  1. The Farm Science Review Education committee continues to work in preparation for the 2020 FSR show.

Programming Perspectives

  1. The 20 Perfect Stay-at-Home Projects available through Ohio 4-H are scheduled to go offline on Oct. 1, the beginning of a new 4-H program year.

Tech Updates

  1. As with the beginning of most school years, we have and will continue to see an increase in the number of electronic “phishing” attempts on students, faculty, and staff alike.

Operations/Business of Extension

  1. It is important to keep security in mind with less people occupying our buildings.

  2. The Ohioline landing page has been reformatted in a small way that should make a big difference.

Professional Development Opportunities

  1. Community Development professionals recently completed a rural economic development innovation plan for the Buckeye Hills (Noble, Monroe, Perry, Morgan, Washington, Hocking, Athens, and Meigs) region in southeast Ohio.

  2. Slow Food Columbus is proud to once again co-host a lecture series with Ohio State's Anthropology Public Outreach Program (APOP).

  3. Please join the next ANR in-service with Linda Lambur from the National Corn Growers Association.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

  1. To achieve a fairer, more equitable and just society, conversations about race, inequity and difference are critical.

Health and Wellness

  1. Faculty and staff can use several Ohio State resources relating to wellness, such as the following: Human Resources Keep Well, Chief Wellness Officer Health and Wellness, Your Plan For Health, and Employee Assistance Program.

  2. The Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services has developed a Back to School Resources for families. 

  3. Patrice Powers-Barker, Kathy Tutt and Shannon Carter will be teaching a virtual series on Mindful Wellness on Fridays in Sept. from 10-11am. beginning 9/11.