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Ohio State University Extension


Take a Moment to “Just Breathe”

-from the Aug. 25 director’s video update

It sounds so simple, but we don’t always make the time to quite literally breathe…

  • To make the time for quiet reflection.
  • To meditate and clear the mind– breathing deeply and pushing aside intrusive thoughts.
  • To be mindful and focus on what fills us, what we are grateful for.
  • To take a moment and tell others what they mean to you, or how they have helped you or made your day.

I saw a sticker with this statement recently in my office, and it reminded me of the importance of finding space for things that matter during what continues to be a very hectic world. We have so many pressure points and tensions in this day and age, and with all that is going on around us… we MUST make time to breathe; and for me, that includes thinking about what I am grateful for and what keeps me centered. This is your gentle reminder to regularly stop for a minute or two to breathe. You can visit for resources via Ohio State.