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Extension Operations

Ohio State University Extension


Social Media Update

Extension has been ramping up our state-level social media presence. Since July 10, we've made more than 260,000 connections via social media, and we really want to work with counties and teams to expand this effort.

Because we know that effectively managing social media takes time and other resources, we are dedicated to seeing that teams, programs, and county staff have at least eight ready-to-use posts each week that can be used to fill in gaps in local content.

Here are a few updates on where we stand and who “owns” our social accounts:

  • Facebook – owned and updated by Extension

  • Instagram (new) – owned and updated by Extension

  • LinkedIn – we operate under CFAES for now

  • YouTube – Extension has two channels, managed by CFAES

If your county hasn’t had an active social media presence recently, now is a good time to start using it to connect with your audience. It is okay if the majority of posts are taken from what is shared on the state level. By simply sharing posts, you are reminding clients of Extension’s work and the resources available to them.

Our goal is to provide clients with “news they can use” via social media. Topics that receive priority on Extension’s social media accounts are state-level or multi-county programs and information related to hot topics, seasonal reminders or topics, etc. If you have a topic you’d like to be shared via Facebook or Instagram, please contact Marissa Mullett, Extension marketing and communications specialist, at 

Note: Social media is primarily for our external audience, internal communications will be shared via News and Notes.