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Ohio State University Extension


NAE4-HYDP Regional and National Award Winners

Congratulations to the following Extension professionals for recently being recognized as regional and national NAE4-HYDP award winners. Peer recognition is one of the highest honors we can receive as Extension professionals. We are grateful that your contributions to Ohio State University Extension and youth throughout the state have gained visibility beyond our university and the communities we serve.

Regional Winners

  • Sue Hogan – educational package, individual 
  • Rebecca Supinger, Christy Millhouse, Rhonda Williams, and Bruce Zimmer – exhibit 
  • Rebecca Supinger, Christy Millhouse, Rhonda Williams, and Bruce Zimmer – media presentation  
  • Jamie McConnell – radio/audio program  
  • Leslie Cooksey and Aubry Fowler – Educational Technology Award  
  • Katherine Wells, Christy Leeds, Hannah Epley, Beth Boomershine, Frances Foos, Steve Brady, Sarah Longo, Rechel Leggett, and Jacci Smith – Excellence in Camping Award 
  • Hannah Epley, Kate Wells, Steve Brady, Beth Boomershine, Erin Dailey, Frances Foos, Sarah Longo, Jamie McConnell, and Lindsey Van Gundy – Excellence in Peer Professional Development Award 
  • Kristen Eisenhauer and Alex Kennedy – Excellence in Urban 4-H Programming Award 

National Winners   

  • Sue Hogan – educational package, individual 
  • Rebecca Supinger, Christy Millhouse, Rhonda Williams, and Bruce Zimmer – Media Presentation 
  • Katherine Wells, Christy Leeds, Hannah Epley, Beth Boomershine, Frances Foos, Steve Brady, Sarah Longo, Rechel Leggett, and Jacci Smith – Excellence in Camping Award 
  • Hannah Epley, Kate Wells, Steve Brady, Beth Boomershine, Erin Dailey, Frances Foos, Sarah Longo, Jamie McConnell, and Lindsey Van Gundy – Excellence in Peer Professional Development Award 

Thank you all for your dedication to Ohio 4-H youth development.