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Extension Operations

Ohio State University Extension


Farm Science Review

This year’s virtual Farm Science Review provided many excellent opportunities for our Extension professionals to reach out and connect with ag industry leaders, partners, producers, and colleagues this week. Kudos to all of you who helped prepare, present and moderate more than 190 scheduled educational events, with more than 450 educational features and components. Recordings will be available through next summer, and I’m sure this particular event will make a lasting impact on the ag industry. As of yesterday, activity through Map Your Show indicates that 7,200 people have visited 27,000 times. In addition, we have about 8,000 Facebook live views. The exhibitor view average is 70 per page, with a range of zero to 1,500. The 2020 Land-Grant Cornerstone Conversation featuring Governor Mike DeWine, our new Ohio State President Kristine Johnson, and our own Dean Cathann Kress has been viewed nearly 700 times already. An extraordinary effort by all to make this first-ever virtual FSR a huge success.