A new program that builds on the partnership between Franklin County commissioners and Ohio State’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES), specifically through OSU Extension in Franklin County, was unveiled in early August during the Ohio State Fair. This program will increase awareness and opportunity for urban youth in the food, agricultural, and environmental sectors.
The Urban ROOTS (Reshaping Outreach Opportunities Through Self-Discovery) partnership was introduced by Franklin County Commissioner Erica Crawley, who discussed her focus on urban youth and her motivation for creating this partnership. Cathann A. Kress, vice president for agricultural administration and dean of CFAES, joined Crawley to highlight the growing demand for technology jobs in the agriculture/food/environmental and natural resources sector and her vision for increased opportunities for urban youth.
Eighth graders from the urban core of Franklin County will experience hands-on and immersive learning opportunities that focus on food, agriculture, the environment, and related technologies in their lives. The partnership also involves a variety of community partners. More information can be found online at franklin.osu.edu/program-areas/community-development/urban-roots.