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Extension Operations

Ohio State University Extension


2022 Small Ruminant Production Field Day to be Held on Oct. 8

This program is designed for new or established ruminant livestock producers who have a small herd of beef cattle or goats, or a flock of sheep. OSU Extension educators and state specialists will present on topics every ruminant livestock producer needs to know, such as grazing and nutrition, livestock marketing, facilities, and housing. After lunch, those who have an interest in sheep or goats will visit the Small Ruminant Research Unit in Wooster, while those focused on beef cattle will remain at the ATI Beef Center. Afternoon training sessions will be species-specific with hands-on training in animal care and handling, basic animal health, livestock evaluation, and more.

The field day will be held on Oct. 8 (9am-3pm) at the Ohio State ATI Beef Center in Apple Creek. Limited to 40 attendees; cost is $30 per person. Agenda and registration info is available at Contact Brady Campbell (, assistant professor, small ruminant Extension specialist or Garth Ruff (, OSU Extension field specialist, beef cattle with questions.