Extension Today is a pilot project and new partnership of NBC4 WCMH-TV, OSU Extension, and CFAES. NBC4 is partnering with OSU Extension and the college to share viewer-focused stories about gardening, cooking, and other tips and resources for improving central Ohioans’ gardens, lives, families, and local communities. For the next six months, NBC4 will air a special Extension Today segment on Daytime Columbus each Wednesday, as well as on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Daytime Columbus is a locally-produced talk show which takes a closer look at area businesses, organizations, and resources available in central Ohio. After NBC4 also promotes the show on its Facebook page, OSU Extension will share a link to each video, as well as CFAES and Extension resources such as fact sheets, photos, connections with our specialists, etc. online. We will then promote the segments on social media as well.
Special thanks to Tim McDermott and Jenny Lobb, educators with the Franklin County office of OSU Extension, for hosting this new segment and partnering with numerous guests over the next few months. Current topics are about growing tomatoes, recipes for tomatoes and sweet corn; tailgate grilling, virtual reality and other highlights of Farm Science Review, fall lawn care, apples, pumpkins, fall planting for winter, staying active in colder months, etc. Visit go.osu.edu/ExtensionToday to check it out!
We are always looking to make the content on these new webpages more robust for our viewers. If you have any resources you feel might be a good addition to any of the topics (before OR after the segments air on TV), contact Cheryl Buck (buck.19@osu.edu), Extension communication manager.