Publishing our work in peer-reviewed outlets (fact sheets, conference proceedings and academic journals) carries a lot of rewards for the author, OSU Extension, and the readership of these works. But many Extension professionals are intimidated when considering submitting their work for peer review. Reasons for this include fear of rejection and just not knowing how to get started. Brian Raison will host a two-part series on “Publishing your Work” on Nov. 15 and 17 (1-1:45 p.m. both days). Tom Blaine will discuss some factors, then Brian will host a 20-minute Q&A to get into the details of how you can be successful. Register for one or both webinars at A Zoom link will then be sent for each webinar.
- Nov. 15 (part 1) Getting Started: Learn how to put together a peer-reviewed submission. We start from scratch and detail an easy step-by-step process that will work for you. Components range from subject selection to literature review to manuscript preparation. Join us for this fun and important step in furthering your professional development.
- Nov. 17 (part 2) Following Up for Success: Learn how to see your manuscript through to publication step by step including how to respond to reviews and how to avoid common mistakes (e.g., tracking versions of the manuscript, etc.). Some reviewers can be quite harsh. Learn you how to take the “lemons” and make “lemonade,” leveraging the input reviewers provide. We will also discuss how to refute a critique when appropriate.