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Ohio State University Extension


Promote November Diabetes Awareness Month Social Media Campaign

Are you interested in promoting Diabetes Awareness Month in November? Join the OSU Extension’s Diabetes Education team’s five-week social media campaign to help individuals become aware of ways to manage diabetes especially during the holidays. The social media campaign will promote healthy holiday recipe ideas, self-care tips, and up-to-date diabetes research. Social media posts will be made each Tuesday in November on the FCS state Facebook Page at with the hashtag #DiabetesTuesdayTip. Each post will include links to helpful available resources, such as Live Smart Ohio blogs, Dining with Diabetes recipes, evidence-based research, and more. You are welcome to share these posts on your county Extension Facebook page or personal page.

Visit the American Diabetes Association website for more information about this year’s campaign theme: Today's Diabetes Hits Different!

Also, World Diabetes Day is recognized every year on Nov. 14, first created in 1991 by the International Diabetes Foundation and the World Health Organization. More information is posted online at