A new study has placed a value on the university’s regional and statewide economic impact that includes operational and capital expenditures as well as student and visitor spending, Ohio State is estimated to have supported $19.6 billion of industry output in Ohio, 116,819 jobs in Ohio, $7.5 billion of labor income, and $663.1 million of tax revenue to state and local governments.
The Economic Impact of The Ohio State University presents a regional and statewide analysis as of 2019. The study was commissioned by the Enterprise for Research, Innovation and Knowledge in collaboration with units and colleges across the university. Nancy Bowen, associate professor and Extension field specialist, community economics, OSU Extension, and Jim Landers, associate professor of practice and Enarson Fellow, John Glenn College of Public Affairs, led a team of faculty and staff to research and develop the report. Visit news.osu.edu/new-report-highlights-ohio-states-over-19-billion-annual-impact-in-ohio for the full news story.