The OSU Extension annual conference will be held on Dec. 5-7, and the hotel block is now open. We have room blocks at the Downtown Columbus Hilton and a limited number of rooms at the Hyatt Regency. Both hotels connect to the Columbus Convention Center. Double and king room styles are available at both hotels.
- Downtown Hilton Hotel: Cost is $169+tax per night. Reservations at the Hilton must be made by Monday, Nov. 21.
- Hyatt Regency Hotel: Cost cost is $149 + tax per night. Reservations at the Hyatt must be made by Monday, Nov. 21.
Workday authorization job aid: See the attached document for more instructions on submitting your spend authorization! In addition, a pre-travel policy exception has been approved by CFAES leadership to allow employees that live or work more than 20 miles from the conference site to stay overnight if requested (as opposed to the standard 45-mile policy). Please indicate in the business purpose of your travel spend authorization that you request an exception to the 45-mile overnight limit. Again, review the document attached for more details.
Proposal submission update: Huge thank you to those who submitted a proposal for the conference! We received 75 submissions, which is fantastic! The Proposal Review Committee met the week of October 24 to make the final selections. If you submitted, you will be notified of the status of your proposal next week. If you have any questions in the meantime, email Debby Lewis (
Registration will launch soon: Registration will open and available during the second week of November. The registration link will be sent via email and located on the LOD website during the second week of November. For all conference information, visit
The registration deadline will be Wednesday, Nov. 30 at 12 p.m. (noon). No late registrations will be accepted. The registration costs will be as follows:
- Three-day registration = $250
- Two-day registration = $225
- One-day registration = $175
- Students = $150
Biometric Screenings On Dec. 6, the OSU Health Plan’s RN health promotion specialists will be in room B132 at the annual conference to complete complimentary biometric screenings* for our department. See below for screening registration details. If you would like to register for the biometric screenings, see the complete details listed in the Oct. 28 all-Extension annual conference update message