The Office of University Compliance and Integrity offers a monthly training on the Outside Activities and Conflicts Policy, which incorporates the Ohio Ethics Law and federal research regulations regarding conflicts of interest. This training reflects our shared values and is particularly encouraged for university leaders, supervisors, managers, and researchers, but all are welcome to attend.
Topics will include: consulting and outside employment/service; accepting gifts; contracting with the university; conflicts of interest in research.
Facilitators include:
- Katelyn Carson, assistant ethics director and compliance investigator, Office of University Compliance and Integrity
- Jan Neiger, assistant vice provost, Office of Academic Affairs
- Jason Reich, conflicts of interest officer, Wexner Medical Center Compliance and Integrity
- Jessica Tobias, ethics director and compliance investigator, Office of University Compliance and Integrity
- Ben West, associate director, conflict of interest, Office of Research Compliance
To accommodate a variety of schedules, you can currently select one of the following sessions via Zoom: Nov. 16 (1-3 p.m.) or Dec. 6 (9-11 a.m.).
Click this link to choose a session to attend via BuckeyeLearn: Contact Josh Maher ( with questions.