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Extension Operations

Ohio State University Extension


Thoughts from the Director

Hi friends...
I’m very excited about this week’s announcement regarding the forthcoming mentoring program for OSU Extension. Across my lifetime, I’ve been the beneficiary of a great many extraordinary mentors, both in my career and in my personal life. I imagine that if you close your eyes and reflect on those individuals who made the most impact in your life, you can identify some specific characteristics, advice you received and held onto, or a feeling that they gave you that what you do and who you are really matters. Mentors do not have to have all of the answers and all of the wisdom. They simply need to be passionate about helping people grow, sharing honestly about their own successes and failures, and making themselves available for the benefit of the journey of another. Beyond this more formal mentoring initiative, think about those whom you might reach out to for more informal mentoring in your professional and personal lives. There are many who have great lessons to share in the areas of Extension, leadership, and life. Ask yourself, “What areas of growth am I interested in? To what do I aspire? What talents and knowledge do I have to impart? Don’t be afraid to seek out a mentor…or to be one. Everyone has something to contribute!   

Please take the time this week to complete the mentoring survey that just came out from LOD. Use the link that came out uniquely for you and submit your response no later than Wednesday, Oct. 28, 2020 at 11:59pm.   

The following will be included in the future News and Notes issue:

  • “Give Now”/give before year-end  

  • What are realistic expectations for 2020?  

  • RtO follow-up survey