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Extension Operations

Ohio State University Extension


Thoughts from the Director


As of last week, it looks like winter is definitely arriving in full force. While I love to see the first snow of the season, it is nice when it comes in gentle and light. I am thinking of our peers in northeastern Ohio and hoping everyone has beenamerican flag image staying safe and warm. I wanted to take just a moment to thank all of our employees, family, and friends who are veterans or are currently in service to our country. We have such a debt of gratitude for those who give up their time and skills, and sometimes their lives to protect and preserve our country and the many blessings that come from living here. Thank you!

I want to thank all of you for taking on this incredible mission of Extension. I just met this past week with our state Extension advisory councils, and I was able to share the many amazing things happening across our state because each of you has identified local needs, put your best selves and expertise forward, and are truly impacting lives and the fabric of the communities we serve. What you do is not easy and a great deal is expected from you, but I believe in your abilities and I see your passion for your service; and I am always confident in your success and exceedingly grateful that you have chosen to use these gifts in Extension. Thank you!

hand writing thank youI hope you have taken days off this week to enjoy time with family, friends, and loved ones. Work is not going anywhere – it will still be there when you return. Give time to yourselves and those who matter most in your lives this Thanksgiving season.

Please though, before you go, remember to complete your registration for our forthcoming annual conference as the deadline is rapidly approaching; and I, for one, can’t wait to see everyone in person in early December.

Constantly and overflowingly grateful for you all!
Best wishes for a blessed and happy holiday season, Jackie

(photos via and pexel)