Registration for the Summer Program in Population Health is open through August 31. All courses will be delivered in a self-paced format. Access to courses begins on June 21, and participants will have until October 29, 2021 to complete the courses and request continuing education credits. Course offerings will include Collective Responsibility at the Intersection of Racism, Social Justice and Public Health; Policy Interventions for Health Behavior Change; and Data for Action: Examples from Pandemics, Epidemics, and Other Public Health Crises. Registration and more information about each course is available online.
Also, a free kick-off webinar will be offered during the week of June 21 about resiliency in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in the public health and health care workforce. More information will be available soon; contact Both programs are offered by our partners in the College of Public Health, Center for Public Health Practice.