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Extension Operations

Ohio State University Extension


Minding the Brand: Mindset and Approach

Extension finds itself in a unique position right now. We have a tremendous number of new and newer employees; we are recruiting to fill multiple leadership roles; we are taking a careful look at our structure. We are also conscientious about doing impactful work on behalf of Extension and maintaining our national reputation.

As such, it is important to remember that we are all ambassadors of the Ohio State brand. Whether we are program staff, support staff or someone with an affiliate connection to Extension, brand representation must be a priority. 

To make sure we are accurately representing Extension and Ohio State in any activity, program, research project, interaction with local clientele, reports to current and potential stakeholders, etc., we need to have a coordinated effort. To make this easier for you—our Extension professionals, we have had multiple conversations to clarify how Extension coordinates our efforts in conjunction with the CFAES Marketing and Communications team, as well as the university’s Office of Marketing and Communications. 

In the coming weeks, we will clarify and communicate a number of best practices and procedures. We realize that some of the changes that are part of this initiative may feel like a big ask, but they are necessary to keep all of us representing the Ohio State brand appropriately via Extension.   

There are a lot of moving parts to this process, and we appreciate your patience as we work to “do things right” and support you most helpfully.