Ohio AgrAbility and the Caregiver Support Network (CSN) are planning a workshop for caregivers, service providers, and advocates on Saturday, April 25 from 12:30-4pm. The theme is Connecting Caregivers. To make this workshop easily accessible to caregivers, CSN will host the workshop in Columbus and broadcast the speakers to several “local” sites across Ohio.
Laura Akgerman, disability services coordinator with Ohio AgrAbility, is looking for Extension staff to host a local site at a county Extension office. Each local site will connect to the workshop via Zoom (or another platform, yet to be determined). Local site staff will host workshop attendees and exhibitors/vendors, and facilitate a conversation about the presented topics and local resources. We are also recruiting facilitators from Ohio State, NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness), the local Area Agency on Aging, Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities, and other advocacy groups and agencies. We realize working a Saturday may not be your first choice; but we hope holding the workshop on a Saturday will give caregivers have more options to find a short-term replacement, so they can attend this workshop.
Caregiver Support Network is a planned workshop and webinar series for caregivers, advocates and services providers. At the first workshop in the series, Resilience Building and Resource Sharing, in February, 142 people registered to attend the workshop at seven sites across Ohio. Visit the website for information about the Caregiver Support Network and information about the February workshop agrability.osu.edu/caregiver-support-network. Please consider hosting a local site for the April 25 workshop; for more information, email Laura at akgerman.4@osu.edu as soon as possible. She would like to have the sites selected and confirmed by Wednesday, March 11.