-Pat Bebo, assistant dean for outreach and engagement in the College of Education and Human Ecology; division director, Family and Consumer Sciences; and assistant director, OSU Extension
We need your input, Extension colleagues! EXCITE stands for the Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching and Engagement. This is a joint initiative between Cooperative Extension and the CDC. The goal of the long-term partnership is to strengthen immunization education with a special focus on adult vaccination hesitancy around COVID and other adult immunizations. The immediate goal of this first funded project is to promote the uptake of COVID-19 vaccinations through relevant messaging and innovative models for community action. Learn more at https://extension-5.hubspotpagebuilder.com/cdc. Our first action is to “take the temperature” of the communities in which you work and our own organization too, so we created a short, easy survey to do just that. The survey will be open until April 1, 2021. Your feedback is most important as we determine our target audience and potential partners to understand how to best communicate fact based information about vaccines. Thank you in advance for your insight and honesty. The survey is 100% anonymous. Follow this link: https://go.osu.edu/extensionvaccineopinionsurvey.