News and Notes: March 11, 2022
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OUR VISION: Ohioans have the knowledge and resources they need to actively engage in creating conditions in which they thrive.
OUR MISSION: We create opportunities for people to explore how science-based knowledge can improve social, economic and environmental conditions.
Helpful hint: You can view each News and Notes issue in its entirety by clicking on the Printer-Friendly Version red button on the right side of that issue's landing page.
Leadership Notes
COVID-19 Updates
Campus Connections/Partnerships
Programming Perspectives
Award Opportunities/Reminders
Operations/Business of Extension
Professional Development Opportunities
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Health and Wellness
Thoughts from Jackie
I hope each one of you is taking time to enjoy the moments of sunshine and promises of warmth inserting themselves between the cold and wet, as winter exits and spring begins. This weekend we spring forward, so don’t forget to adjust your clocks. It is always a joy getting to wake up to brighter mornings and slightly longer days as the weather improves. Be on the lookout for, and plan to join and share, our Spring into Wellness Live Healthy Live Well email challenge and look for some outdoor activity challenges through Your Plan For Health ( Now is a great time to initiate some lunch-time walks or walking meetings into your weekly plan, as opportunity allows.
We are also celebrating Women’s History Month in March. One of the women I will be remembering is my great, great aunt Isabelle BeVier, who was a pioneer in FCS and has her portrait in BeVier Hall at the University of Illinois. There are so many women to celebrate who have made incredible contributions to Extension, academia, and our world at large. Who is on your mind this month?
Finally, I will be presenting our State of Extension address next Tuesday. I hope you will make time on your calendars to join in and hear how OSU Extension has demonstrated the Extension Keys of ADAPABILITY and EFFICIENCY in 2021. You have achieved such incredible things this last year amidst continuing challenges during the pandemic, constant change, and global unrest. I am so very proud of your courage, your persistence, and your positive impact. I am looking forward to sharing and celebrating our successes in 2021 and looking forward to sharing how we can experience a strong, collaborative, and positive 2022.
Grateful for you (all you do, and who you are), Jackie
State of Extension – March 15 Director’s Video Update
The next Director’s Video Update will be a State of Extension address held on Tuesday, March 15 from 9-10:30 a.m. Registration is required; register in advance for this webinar online. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with log-in information about joining the webinar on March 15. You may need to log into Zoom first, then click on the individualized link in your registration confirmation to access the webinar. The update will be recorded for those who cannot join us for the live presentation.
Format: 90 minutes is reserved for this State of Extension address. The first 60 minutes will focus on the State of Extension presentation, additional administrative updates and topics (e.g., career roadmap, Workday, Extension Keys, etc.), and Q & A.
The final 30 minutes will be an optional but encouraged opportunity for offices to gather and discuss the Extension goals and priorities shared during the presentation and to think about beginning strategies/tactics for addressing these locally or within your unit. If you plan to use the final 30 minutes for local discussion, you will need to consider your approach, such as setting up a separate Zoom or a face-to-face meeting.
Thank you in advance for making time on your calendar to watch the State of Extension address and for always actively participating in the success of OSU Extension.
If you have a disability and have questions about accessibility or wish to request accommodations for this activity, you can request assistance at
OSU Extension Administration Support Staff Update
We are pleased to announce LaVerne Castle as our new administrative associate for the director’s office. LaVerne actually worked for our office several years ago, then worked for the Office of Institutional Equity, and is now back with OSU Extension. Please email Laverne at to arrange for meetings with Jackie and other administrative needs. Welcome back LaVerne!
Masks are now Optional in Most University Spaces
Starting at 6pm on March 11, masks will be optional in most indoor spaces on The Ohio State University campuses, including residence halls, dining facilities, classrooms, offices, and the Ohio Union. While the university continues to require masks in clinical health care settings (including at the Wexner Medical Center), COVID-19 testing locations, childcare centers, and on public transportation, Ohio State will be lifting indoor mask requirements in its academic and general-purpose buildings. Specifics of the university’s mask policy are posted on the Personal Safety Practices page of the Safe and Healthy Buckeyes website.
The university will continue to adjust COVID-19 measures as appropriate and will maintain its COVID-19 surveillance testing program for now. Weekly testing will continue for students in university housing, social fraternities and sororities, and those with approved exemptions to the university’s vaccination requirement. Employees with approved exemptions are also still required to test weekly.
March is Women’s History Month
The Student Life Multicultural Center, along with offices, centers, and student organizations across campus, is proud to present the calendar of events for the annual university-wide celebration of Women’s History Month. To see all events, visit the Multicultural Center’s website at
Some of the events include:
- Remember the Ladies: March 21, 12-1 p.m.
- Gender and Disability: A Critical Conversation: March 21, 6-7 p.m.
- Women of Color Leadership Panel: March 22, 6-7 p.m.
- Work-Life Balance: March 24, 12-12:45 p.m.
- Women’s Wellness: Thriving Together: March 24, 5:45-8:30 p.m.
Engaged Scholarship Symposium to be Held on April 12
Join the Office of Outreach and Engagement for the Engaged Scholarship Symposium on April 12 from 2-4 p.m. at the Ohio Union. This symposium will highlight faculty who are co-creating scholarship with our community. Through a keynote and panel discussions, participants will learn more about the innovative and impactful work of engaged scholars at Ohio State. Learn more and register at
FCS Joint Professional Organization Conference Call for Proposals due March 25, Conference to be Held August 1-2
After two years of meeting virtually, the Ohio Association of Family and Consumer Sciences will hold a conference on Aug. 1-2, with the Ohio Association of Teachers of Family and Consumer Sciences at The Marriott Columbus Northwest. Danielle Dreilinger, author of the Secret History of Home Economics, is a featured speaker whose presentation is supported by the NEAFCS Endowment Funds received by OSU Extension. On July 31, registered attendees are invited to attend the book signing during the conference social hour. You can be involved in this year's conference by completing an application to present. The OAFCS session proposal form is available online; submissions are due by March 25. If you have any questions, email Susan Shockey, annual conference co-chair at
NACAA Search for Excellence Award Submissions are due by March 15
This is a reminder that NACAA Search for Excellence Awards are due by March 15. The application is completed online. Ohio has had a very successful run of Search for Excellence awards with many national finalists and at least one national winner in the past few years. Let’s keep it going. Award applications can be found at: Greg Meyer is willing to review applications; email him at
NACAA Agricultural Awareness and Appreciation Award Submissions are due by March 15
The deadline for the NACAA Agricultural Awareness and Appreciation Award is also March 15. Consider applying as a member or as a team for any outstanding uses of Public Relations in Daily Efforts that improve the understanding of agriculture in your communities. A description of the award and the judging criteria can be found at (page 7 of the December 2021 edition of The County Agent).
Apply for 2022-2023 Engagement Grants by April 15
Faculty (all ranks and titles) and/or faculty-led teams are eligible to apply. Grants will be awarded at the maximum amount of $20,000 to support:
- impact report of an existing university-sponsored/facilitated outreach and engagement program, performance, exhibition, or similar program;
- impact report of a community-based organization’s program, performance, exhibition, or initiative for the purpose of establishing a partnership or enhancing an ongoing relationship;
- development of a public policy document or impact report in partnership with community organization;
- development or implementation of a program, performance, exhibition, or initiative based upon previous research, assessment, or public input; or
- enhance or expand program that extends community access to the university, broadly defined.
Funding may be used to support release time, undergraduate, graduate student or post-doc time, supplies, materials, incentives according to university policy, program materials, travel, meetings or data collection and analysis. The deadline to apply is April 15; learn more and apply online at
Apply for Outreach and Engagement Staff Grants by April 22
The Office of Outreach and Engagement is offering two grant opportunities for university staff. Both grants are for a maximum of $500, and applications are due by 5 p.m. on April 22. The Professional Development Grant provides staff working in outreach and engagement spaces the opportunity to further their career growth and development. Grants can be used for professional development, conferences, and education or training costs related to career goals. The Community Programs and Events Grant provides staff working in outreach and engagement spaces the opportunity to create and implement community engaged programs. Grants can be used for programs that contribute to community engagement. Learn more and apply online at
Regional and National Excellence in Extension Award Nominations Open
Consider recognizing faculty and staff with these regional and national awards. The Individual Award for Excellence in Extension recognizes Cooperative Extension professionals who excel at Extension programming, make a positive impact with audiences, and provide visionary leadership for the system. Regional nomination deadlines are listed below, along with specific forms that must be used. Two North Central Individual Awards will be given. Both will be considered for nomination to the national competition. Regional nominations for Individual awards are due March 18 (to be handled before national deadlines). Use the attached form for Individual Award nominations.
The new Team Award for Excellence in Extension recognizes an Extension team in performing the work of Extension research, technical assistance, and outreach education. The award acknowledges outstanding collaboration, sharing, and mobilizing multi-institutional responses, and fostering partnerships to address pressing issues across states or multiple jurisdictions. Two North Central Team Awards will be given with one becoming the NCR’s nomination for the national award. Regional nominations for Team Awards are due March 18. Use the attached form for Team Award nominations.
All nominations from the North Central Region should be sent directly to by March 18 close of business. From the nominations received by March 18, two regional winners will be selected for each type of award, and those two will be asked to complete national award nomination materials by May 1.
The Diversity in Extension Award recognizes accomplishments of Cooperative Extension professionals, either an individual or a team, in achieving organizational changes that support diversity, pluralism and innovation in programs that impact learners. This award is designed to focus national attention on innovative models and techniques that ensure that Extension programs equitably engage all appropriate audiences in an effective manner. No attachments will be accepted for this award. The deadline for the Diversity in Extension Award is May 1. More information can be found at, and application are submitted directly to that website.
OSU Extension Exterior Office Signage Update
As announced via an all-Extension message on March 10: as part of our ongoing brand update to incorporate the new Extension mark, we have updated the Extension office exterior sign design. The Extension mark now replaces the CFAES logo, CFAES tag, and college name on the design. This has been approved with University Marketing as the official new design for our exterior (meaning wayfinding) signs – what should be used until someone crosses the threshold of your office entrance.
See examples of the new sign design in the attached signage guide. The CFAES Marketing team has created a signage toolkit for our use (link included below). When and if you are changing your exterior office signs (i.e. because they are worn out or you are moving), you should use the updated design to have a local vendor create your new signs.
Note: your current office signage is fine as is for now, if it is still in good shape. However, if you have an older version of outside signage with now-obsolete logos or anything besides the existing design, please update your signage as soon as possible. Also be planning ahead: add a task to your office plan of work to replace and update all exterior signage by year-end 2024.
As always, if this type of exterior signage is not allowed by your building owner or manager – or if you have a unique or shared office arrangement, we can help with alternative options.
As of this point, the cost to update/change your office exterior signs or interior directional signs should be considered part of ongoing office/building maintenance within your local budget. Please note: this process requires a Workday requisition; Pcards and local checking accounts are not an option for sign payment. (confirmed via Jesse Buxton)
Signage toolkit: You can use the information in the toolkit folder to work through the process. The guidelines and examples are included in the
toolkit. Remember, as with all other branded items, your final design layouts for all signs must be submitted to the CFAES brand team for review and approval. The email address is included on the sign guide. Please contact Cheryl Buck, Extension communication manager, at if you have any questions.
Wiser on Wednesdays: Extension Keys Series – March 23 Session on Engaging Diverse Communities
Join the Learning and Organizational Development unit on Wednesday, March 23 from 1-2 p m. for Engaging Diverse Communities with Nicole Nieto. This workshop examines the impacts of social identity and systemic imbalances of power in engaging diverse communities, and provides foundational knowledge to participants about key terms and concepts, including social identity, bias, privileged identities, and targeted identities. Registration is required at The workshop will not be recorded. More information about the Wiser on Wednesday series is available online at
OSU Leadership Center Offers Wonder Woman Wednesdays to Celebrate Women’s History Month in March
Throughout March, talented guest speakers will join us each Wednesday to discuss women’s wellness and empower those in attendance to take the next step in bettering themselves and their futures. For more information and to register, visit The topics will include:
- March 16 – inclusive leadership
- March 23 – career wellness
- March 30 – mental wellness
More information about these and other OSU Leadership Center workshops is available online at
Trusted Leader Summit is Offered April 12-14
-per David Horsager, CEO, Trust Edge Leadership Institute
At Trust Edge Leadership Institute, we understand the struggle to keep your team engaged. Keeping a remote team engaged is even more difficult when there aren’t connections being made in person at the office. To engage your team and make the highest impact as leader, you need to feel energized and equipped. You need to be refreshed and rejuvenated – ready to grow your business and improve company culture. The problem is, with more and more teams having to be remote we are missing out on building connection and community at the workplace. That’s why the Trusted Leader Summit exists!
The Trusted Leader Summit gives you the tools to equip yourself and your team and the common language you need for communicating a clear path to success, remote or in person. If one of your goals this year is to create a great company culture and engage your team, grab your ticket to the Trusted Leader Summit today. Visit for more information.
Lean Sigma Training is Available in April and May
Breakthrough’s Lean Sigma Greenbelt hands-on, interactive training program is designed for individuals looking to enhance their problem-solving skills and develop a deeper understanding of continuous improvement strategies. The training will be held at OSU South Centers in the Research Building auditorium between April 5 and May 18. To register, contact Charissa Gardner at
4-H Professionals’ Cultural Immersion Project to be held in Puerto Rico on Nov. 29-Dec. 6
Applications are still being accepted for the 2022 4-H Cultural Immersion Project – Puerto Rico for Ohio 4-H professionals. All 4-H educators and program coordinators and managers with two or more years at OSU Extension are eligible to apply. Experience local Puerto Rican culture and engage in cross-cultural learning projects in the community. You will:
- Build stronger co-worker relationships and cross-cultural skills and abilities;
- Increase knowledge and skills to work with a wider audience of youth in local programming efforts; and
- Tour local agriculture and farm venues, cultural immersion challenges, and recreation.
For more information, contact Steve Brady at Apply online at
Free Mental Health First Aid Training Classes are Available
Don’t forget about all the upcoming free Mental Health First Aid trainings offered twice a month through August. The next available class is March 24 from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. There is a short self-paced portion to be completed prior to the live Zoom training. You will learn: how to identify warning signs ; how to provide support to someone dealing with a mental health crisis; ad where to find resources when someone needs help. While this training is geared toward supporting our ag community, it is beneficial for anyone to take that interacts with other adults. Anyone can register for a class at
Spring Into Wellness Live Healthy Live Well Email Challenge – Registration due by March 28
Are you tired of the cold weather? Have you or someone you know been sick for what seems like an eternity? Why not recharge your health by exploring the dimensions of wellness? Join the Live Healthy Live Well six-week “Spring Into Wellness” email challenge to learn more about all of the dimensions of health. Along with two weekly email articles, there will be a four-part webinar series related to the challenge content, a fun BINGO card for those who like to make a game of it, and as always, access to the OSU Live Healthy Live Well blog site and #LHLW365 Texting Program.
Register online at Answer a few questions, and you are set. Online pre- and post-challenge surveys will be used to track participant progress and comments. Expect a pre-challenge message the week of March 28 and the first challenge article the week of April 4.
Step up for StepAThon on April 4-8 with Ohio State
The Office of the Chief Wellness Officer and the College of Nursing are proud to partner with Healthy LifeStars® to host this year’s StepAThon™ the week of April 4-8. Healthy LifeStars® provides free programming to schools and youth-serving organizations to equip kids and families with the resources they need to make healthy choices, build resiliency, achieve goals, and form healthy habits for life. Register as an individual or with a team at