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Extension Operations

Ohio State University Extension


Engage: Extension Data Portal Update

The Extension Data Portal (EDP) launched in January 2024. More than 180 program faculty and staff have completed the training and gained access to the portal, and more than 1,600 events have been entered into the portal to date. If you haven’t gained access yet, check out the New User To-Do List below for information on how to get started.  

Monthly Office Hours 
LOD will offer monthly EDP office hours on the fourth Wednesday of every month at 9 a.m. Extension professionals can log in, have their questions answered, and/or learn from their peers. The next office hours session will be on March 27 (9 a.m.). Register for any month’s sessions (March – October) using this link Registration is required. 

There was great engagement at the first office hours session on February 28. Valerie Kohlwey demonstrated how to make bulk changes to events in the EDP, which is helpful if you need to update a lot of imported Vita events at once. A recording of this demo will be available soon. 

EDP Frequently Asked Questions
The EDP Frequently Asked Questions page has been published on the LOD website at If you have any questions about the EDP or need assistance with any aspect of the portal, please submit a support ticket at

↻ Refresh! The OSU Extension EDP Monthly Update 
The first issue of Refresh! was sent to the All-Extension listserv on Feb. 21. This email will be sent on the third Wednesday of each month and will contain information about updates to the portal, a reminder about monthly office hours, and other important information about the Extension Data Portal. The first issue is posted on LOD’s

New User To-Do List 

  1. Watch the Engage — Extension Data Portal Introductory Webinar at

  1. Complete the Engage — Extension Data Portal Training course in CarmenCanvas at

  1. Complete the 2024 Institutional Data Policy Training in BuckeyeLearn at It was released on Feb. 1 and is due by April 26.

  1. Complete the acknowledgement survey at the end of the CarmenCanvas course, then wait until you receive a Welcome email from the LOD team granting you access to the portal.

  1. Find resources in the EDP platform (bottom right corner or “?” in the upper right corner) and on the LOD website at

  1. Review the Program Listing in the EDP.

  1. Clean up imported Vita data as needed.