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Ohio State University Extension


Ohio Chapter of NACAA Announces Finalists for NACAA Communication Awards

Several Ohio ANR educators are among the regional and national finalists from the North Central Region for the 2022 NACAA communication awards. National finalists from Ohio representing the North Central Region are Carrie Brown for computer-generated presentation with script, and Tim McDermott for website/online content. In addition, Dan Lima is a national finalist for audio recording, as part of a cross-state team with a colleague in West Virginia.

Regional winners are Tim McDermott for fact sheet, Dee Jepsen for learning module/notebook, James Morris for newsletter, and Eric Barrett for personal column and published photo. Congratulations to the winners, and best of luck to our national finalists in the final judging. National winners are announced during the AM/PIC Conference in Florida.

You can view all winners in all the regions for NACAA awards on the new website under the Award Winners category at