We have been permitted to spend dollars to attend essential professional development trainings and meetings. We have simply asked everyone to consider the expenditure within the entirety of the budget and to reflect on whether or not you would still be happy, looking back, with the expenditure two to three years from now. Most conferences have converted to virtual platforms. However, there are a few remaining professional meetings that are still planning for in-person sessions in the fall (e.g., NACAA and NEAFCS).
The tougher part of the equation is to determine if and when to register and make reservations for travel, since there is a prohibition on travel through June 30. The university is working on travel guidance for FY21, and this guidance is anticipated to be released in July, so it seems as if we will still be in the window for early bird registrations for these conferences.
I would recommend the following:
- Accept invitations to be on the program (e.g., poster or paper presentations) or to be involved in leadership roles activities at the conference, if you hold an office
- Prepare necessary planning or paperwork to submit for registration and travel, if/when the travel restrictions are lifted
Again, we will know more regarding university decisions on travel in July.