CFAES Give Today
Extension Operations

Ohio State University Extension


Discretionary Spending Guidelines

The university continues to operate under a discretionary spending pause. Any purchases of a discretionary nature should continue to be delayed until the pause is lifted. In the meantime, if you have any specific procurement needs not addressed below, please reach out to Jesse Buxton to discuss the potential purchase. When possible, we should procure items through non-appropriated funding sources to preserve our appropriated budgets. 

The following items may be purchased at this time: 

  • Supplies for approved Research/Extension exemptions – exemption approval from Lori Kaser and associated documents should be attached to all requests. 
  • Supplies to support virtual instruction – please note in the business purpose that the purchase is for virtual teaching/learning. 
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) supplies – please note PPE in the business purpose. 
  • Supplies necessary for day-to-day office operations – please note the critical need of the office supplies (paper, toner, postage, etc.) in the business purpose. 
  • Supplies for fairs – please note the dates of the fair and confirm the local Ag Society has announced that the fair will proceed. 
  • Registrations for virtual conferences – please provide a detailed business purpose and include Jackie Wilkins’ approval. (Jackie can provide blanket approval for conferences. Work with assistant directors to obtain blanket approval.) 
  • Virtual professional development – please provide a detailed business purpose and include Jackie Wilkins’ approval. (eRequest Ad Hoc or email) 
  • Institutional memberships – please provide a detailed business purpose and include Jackie Wilkins’ approval. (eRequest Ad Hoc or email)