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Extension Operations

Ohio State University Extension


LOD Seeks People Who Want to Attend a Data Party!

We are looking for about one dozen individuals who would like to help us make meaning from the open-ended comments that are contained in the recent Return-to-Office survey. Our data party requires attending a one-hour kick-off instructional session, approximately four to six hours of reading data and finding themes, and a one-hour closeout session. That’s only about eight hours of your time. The data party will take place during the month of July. What is the benefit to you? You will learn a new skill or strengthen your existing skills in working with words to create meaning. You will also be giving service to your organization. If you are interested in this opportunity to data party with the LOD team, please send an email to Teresa McCoy ( no later than Monday, June 28. 

The quantitative results of the Return-to-Office survey will be shared very soon in summary form; and the qualitative data will be shared, as we did during the first survey, as raw comments with identifiers removed. Stay tuned!