(per Adam Ward, CFAES director of Government Affairs)
President Biden released the Administration’s budget (FY 2022 PBR) to Congress. Generally, there is some positive news for land-grant institutions. It includes large increases for Hatch and AFRI funding, and a modest increase for McIntire-Stennis. Unfortunately, there is not an increase for Extension. Our government affairs team will be working with the DC office to keep funding for the research programs while garnering more support for Extension activities.
The highlights of the four priority line items:
Research and Education Activities | FY 2021 Final |
FY 2022 PBR |
Hatch Act | $259.000 | $329.380 |
McIntire-Stennis Cooperative Forestry Act | $36.000 | $45.783 |
Agriculture and Food Research Initiative | $435.000 | $700.000 |
Smith-Lever Act, Sections 3(b) and (c) programs and Cooperative Extension | $315.000 | $315.000 |
As we advance through the state budget process for Ohio’s FY22-23 biennium and continue our institutional advocacy for strong Extension and OARDC funding, please be aware of the many individual, circulating funding requests that may cross your desk from other organizations and networks. These requests, though at times supportive of the work we do across Extension, can also complicate our daily, ongoing institutional efforts to secure more funding for the Extension and OARDC line items in the next state budget. We kindly ask that you refrain from circulating or advocating for state budget requests in your professional capacity with Ohio State University Extension, unless granted approval by the director of Extension and director of CFAES Government Affairs.
Don’t hesitate to reach out to Adam Ward (ward.311@osu.edu), Beau Ingle (ingle.16@osu.edu), or Ellen Essman (essman.23@osu.edu) if you have any questions or need additional clarification.