The university will be closed on June 19 in observance of Juneteenth. This national holiday marks the end of slavery in the United States. The following is excerpted from a previous note by Jackie Kirby Wilkins, associate dean and director of OSU Extension.
“During the celebration of Juneteenth, we have an opportune time for reflection, dialogue, and planning regarding who we want to be as a community as it relates to valuing and affirming every person. OSU Extension will continue to do the hard work of recognizing our many strengths, while being courageous and dedicated to identifying, evaluating, and addressing areas where we have failed, either in our mission to serve all of the members of our community or to one another. I encourage each of us to take some time to truly reflect where we have some work to do, personally, and as an organization.”
— Jackie Kirby Wilkins
In addition, remember to review the CFAES Principles of Community that we in OSU Extension, as part of the CFAES community, practice. An infographic of the principles is also available.