Thank you for your patience as Extension Operations has been working with CFAES Finance to finalize the IT Billing for university FY20 to our county offices. With the IT Bridge funding from CFAES, we have determined that we can hold all counties harmless to their FY19 four-year average charge regardless of when new computers were received. Extension Operations will be processing the final FY20 (Jul19-Jun20) bill to charge counties for their IT costs this month. No county will see an increase over their FY19 cost; and in some cases, your FY20 cost went down and you will be charged the lower of the two amounts.
The Extension Operations fiscal team will be following up in the coming days with individual county invoices that will show the calculated cost for FY20 (for future budgeting purposes) as well as the actual charge that will be processed to your funds. More information on requesting corrections for future billings will be presented at that time. In FY21 we expect no change to the billing model, and CFAES will process their charges directly to each county unit as part of their normal quarterly billing process. You will see no delay in the processing of your payments after July 2020.