How do we obtain PPE? Are there central supplies? What is the purchasing process?
While limited PPE is available centrally, there is an estimated 300% demand versus supply right now. We are still encouraging you to use college group purchase when possible (contact Seth Walker directly); purchase locally if you cannot get PPE via the college. We have been given the go ahead to purchase locally with a PCard; and we can seek reimbursement for personal purchases of PPE for the office if a sale or accessibility is immediate and no PCard is available at the time.
How can we obtain office signage? The OSU Office of Administration and Planning is finalizing a web page on the UniPrint site with links to downloadable, printable files (primarily posters for physical distancing and handwashing signs). There are a few signs available there now that are fairly simple. A few additional future items will include floor decals for demarking space and traffic flow arrows.
You are encouraged to create and print your own signs as needed to address the unique messaging needs within your community. Please also remember to use available signage from the CDC for reducing the spread, understanding COVID-19, and proper face mask use available at the CDC website.
Has there been any movement on July 6 in-person programming?
No changes have been announced as of this update. When this changes, I will let everyone know immediately.
Have there been any adjustments related to travel restrictions and reimbursement?
For those who have approved exemptions for research or to participate in the fair activities, you simply need to attach the exemption approval to your eRequest. For those going to the office under approved plans, this is considered a typical commute and not eligible for reimbursement. For those interested in domestic travel to conferences, there is still no lift on the travel ban at the university, though we anticipate information soon.