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Extension Operations

Ohio State University Extension


News and Notes: June 10, 2022

OUR VISION: Ohioans have the knowledge and resources they need to actively engage in creating conditions in which they thrive.

OUR MISSION: We create opportunities for people to explore how science-based knowledge can improve social, economic and environmental conditions.

Helpful hint: You can view each News and Notes issue in its entirety by clicking on the Printer-Friendly Version red button on the right side of that issue's landing page.

  1. Thoughts from Jackie


    The last few weeks have been very exciting and full of wonderful partnerships and things to celebrate. We were able to participate in a new partnership visit with approximately 25 leaders from all over the globe with Intel at the Hartford County Fair. The goal was to allow an opportunity for Intel representatives to meet our youth and learn about their 4-H experience and for Intel to share details about employment opportunities at its new facility, and the training or educational pathways that will be needed for those interested in those positions. Many thanks go out to the Licking County team and youth and the Hartford Fair for a very successful introduction to what I imagine will be a very mutually beneficial relationship in the years ahead.

    The "Lean in" Tour led me through Medina and Lorain counties last week. I had the great pleasure of meeting our new Medina County commissioner, Colleen Swedyk, and helping our camp counselors put together materials for camp (I had an unexpected visit with my niece, who will be volunteering for all three camps this year). In Lorain, we hosted some county economic development leaders and shared many highlights of Extension’s focus and reach in building vital communities and growing leaders of tomorrow. I learned a great deal about the growth of each county’s programs since I was there last (pre-COVID); and I can honestly say these visits are very refueling and quite inspiring.

    tour photo 1tour photo 2tour photo 3tour photo 4

    Our urban Extension team was in Camden, New Jersey recently; and our community development professionals were in Indianapolis this week. It is clear that Ohio is a valued partner in co-creating communities where all Ohioans can live, work, and play. Next week, our ANR professionals meet in Troy, Ohio for their annual retreat entitled “TEAM: Together Everyone Achieves More.” And 4-H will be hosting its 4-H SPARK EXPO (EXploring Pathway Opportunities) for youth to explore college and career pathways and meet with many of our CFAES colleagues.

    baby - father's handIn the coming days, we also will be celebrating Father’s Day (June 19). Thank you to all of our fathers and grandfathers in Extension for making a difference in the lives of your families, while making a difference in our communities. (photo via

    We also commemorate Juneteenth (short for “June Nineteenth”), Juneteenth imagewhich honors the end to slavery in the United States and is considered the longest-running African American holiday. On June 17, 2021, Juneteenth officially became a federal holiday. (image available via

    Have an excellent weekend; and thank you for being you and bringing your skills and passion to Extension!

    Grateful, Jackie

  2. Next Director’s Video Update will be Held on June 14

    Registration is required for the next Director’s Video Update on Tuesday, June 14 at 9am. You can register online.

    After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with log-in information about joining the webinar on June 14. You may need to log into Zoom first, then click on the individualized link in your registration confirmation to access the webinar. The update will be recorded for those who cannot join us for the live presentation.

    This event will be presented with automated closed captions. If you wish to request traditional CART services or other accommodations, please contact Cheryl Buck at or 614-292-4880. Requests made by 10 business days before the event will generally allow us to provide seamless access, but the university will make every effort to meet requests made after this date.

  3. CFAES Call for Presentations in the Land and Living Exhibit at the Ohio State Fair

    In partnership with Ohio Farm Bureau, CFAES is once again sponsoring the Land and Living exhibit at the Ohio State Fair. Faculty and staff are invited to present on topics related to food, agriculture, and the environment on the stage of the exhibit, at an assigned time, throughout the duration of the fair (July 27 – Aug 7). Presentations should run 15-20 minutes in length, with an additional 5-10 minutes allotted for set-up and answering questions. Topics should be geared to all ages, and interactivity is highly encouraged.

    If you would like the opportunity to present on-stage at the Ohio State Fair – Land and Living exhibit, fill out the proposal form here by June 24. Note: depending on the number of proposals received, we may not be able to accommodate every presentation. Those with proposals accepted will be notified by July 1.

  4. Revised AFRI Foundational RFP and Schedule Now Available

    Per the CFAES Office for Research and Graduate Education, the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative(AFRI) Foundational and Applied Science Program has revised its submission schedule. Some RFPs are now due as soon as Aug. 11, and Nov. 17 is the latest deadline. The AFRI Foundational and Applied Science Program supports grants in six AFRI priority areas to advance knowledge in fundamental and applied sciences important to agriculture: plant health and production and plant products; animal health and production and animal products; food safety, nutrition, and health; bioenergy, natural resources, and environment; agriculture systems and technology; and agriculture economics and rural communities. Research-only, Extension-only, and integrated research, education and/or Extension projects are solicited in this Request for Applications. You can also click on this link for an updated schedule by program area, deadline, etc.

  5. Stephanie Karhoff Selected as New Field Specialist focusing on Agronomic Systems

    Dr. Stephanie Karhoff has been selected as the new field specialist, agronomic systems. Her full-time appointment was effective June 1. “Stephanie will evaluate and respond to large-scale statewide needs versus individual requests, providing unbiased research-based alternatives and securing resources (grants, contracts, user fees) to focus on these issues. Stephanie’s experience as a county educator and researcher …will help her be successful in this role,” per Sam Custer, interim assistant director, Agriculture and Natural Resources.

    Stephanie served as Extension educator for agriculture and natural resources in Williams County from April 2019 to May 2022. Prior to that, she was a student in the CFAES Department of Horticulture and Crop Science, earning a bachelor’s degree in agriculture in 2014 and doctorate in 2019 in the Translational Plant Sciences graduate program. Stephanie joins several other OSU Extension field specialists, who each have a particular subject matter focus and provide overall leadership for a comprehensive teaching and applied research program to address statewide issues. Field specialists work to expand existing partnerships, develop new relationships, and foster collaborations across the state, including with campus researchers, to complement local Extension educators’ efforts.

  6. Agronomy and Farm Management Podcast – 100th Episode due out on June 22

    The 100th episode of the Agronomy and Farm Management podcast will air on June 22. Amanda Douridas and Elizabeth Hawkins host the podcast every other Wednesday to discuss what’s happening the field and the farm office – issues that impact agriculture such as weather, seed and other input prices, land values, policies, and commodity outlooks. Check out previous episodes online at

  7. Sustainable Agriculture Education Association Conference to be Held July 21-24

    Registration is now open for Agricultural Crossroads: Social and Ecological Convergence in the Heartland, a conference planned collaboratively by the Sustainable Agriculture Education Association, The Ohio State University, and Central State University. A preliminary schedule is available for viewing at the SAEA websiteScholarships will be available for reduced registration. There will be a virtual broadcast of the third day of the conference at Central State University for a reduced registration fee.

  8. Nicole Debose Receives 2022 National Urban Extension Leaders Award

    Nicole Debose awardCongratulations to Nicole Debose, area leader and program director of the Cuyahoga County office of OSU Extension, on receiving the 2022 National Urban Extension Leaders (NUEL) Award, which recognizes Extension leaders who have made exceptional contributions to urban programming. Learn more about the award online.

    Nicole has more than 15 years of experience working with nonprofit and public organizations to meet the needs of Cuyahoga County residents. She promotes the strengthening of families, enhancement of agriculture systems, and expansion of local business opportunities. Nicole serves communities in the Cleveland area, creating an innovative interdisciplinary program and raising $1.2 million to support this work. She chaired the NUEL North Central Regional Network from 2018-2021. Before joining OSU Extension, Nicole worked for Cuyahoga County Health and Human Services, where she developed and managed many community-based programs and initiatives. Nicole holds a bachelor’s degree in urban planning, design and development, a master’s degree in public administration, and a master’s degree in healthcare administration.

  9. Gary Graham Inducted into Maple Syrup Hall of Fame

    Gary Graham photoDr. Gary Graham, Extension educator, agriculture and natural resources, has been recognized by the International Maple Syrup Hall of Fame for his decades dedicated to maple syrup production in North America. Gary was inducted into the Maple Syrup Hall of Fame in mid-May. The Maple Hall of Fame was established in 1977 by the North American Maple Syrup Council to recognize those who have excelled in research, development, education, leadership, and promotion within the North American maple syrup industry. Only two people per year are inducted into the Hall of Fame. Gary works in the Holmes County office of OSU Extension.

    You can read the entire article about Gary’s award onlineYou can also learn more about the Hall of Fame online.

  10. Celebrate Your Plate Video Garners Awards for Production Company

    Mills James, the company that did the videography for the SNAP-Ed Celebrate Your Plate commercials, has received several awards for its work on this project. The team who created the CYP video re: Meet Jayda won awards for online commercial editing, sound, videography, and directing. The Telly Awards is the premier award honoring video and television across all screens. Established in 1979, The Telly Awards receives more than 12,000 entries from all 50 states and five continents. To learn more, visit You can watch Jayda’s video online.

  11. Regional AgrAbility Workshop set for June 28-30

    This workshop is presented by Ohio AgrAbility and the National AgrAbility Project. The Tuesday and Wednesday workshop topics will include: prescription medication safety. urban agriculture, business planning, working with vocational rehabilitation, farming with developmental disability, assistive technology in agriculture, and work/life balance. The Thursday farm tour will include: STGenetics Ohio Heifer Center, OSU Extension – Franklin County office, accessible gardens tour, Franklinton Farms, and Freshtown Farms. Review session descriptions and register online. Registration is open until June 22.

  12. Hallway Conversations – A Virtual Networking Event on July 6

    Join the Ohio JCEP professional development committee for a virtual networking event on July 6 at 1 p.m. For many Extension professionals, the best part of attending professional development opportunities are the conversations and networking that happen in the hallway between sessions. We want to recreate these genuine and organic exchanges! Join us virtually for informal breakout conversations about what’s going well for you and what challenges you’re facing in your Extension work today. This opportunity is open to both JCEP members and non-members. Please join us! To register, visit

  13. Wiser on Wednesdays 2022 Series – Next Session is July 27

    The Wiser on Wednesday professional development series is back, courtesy of the Learning and Organizational Development unit. In 2022, the workshops align with our OSU Extension Keys – trust, inclusion, care, adaptability, and efficiency. For more information about the series, visit

    The July 27 topic is on Trust, Inclusion and Care, presented by Dawn Burton from Prairie View A&M University and Craig Rotter from Texas A & M University. The session will be held from 1-3 p.m. Registration is required; visit

  14. Crucial Conversations Training set for August and September

    Whenever you’re not getting the results you want, it’s likely an important conversation either hasn’t happened or hasn’t been handled well. In fact, both individual and organizational success are largely determined by how quickly, directly, and effectively we speak up when it matters most. At the heart of healthy and high-performance organizations are people willing and able to hold Crucial Conversations. These skills are relevant to anyone in the organization and can be used by any program area in any role type with any length of experience.

    The Learning and Organizational Development unit is hosting a pilot for the first 25 registrants. Registration will be FREE and is a $233 value. Lunch and materials will be provided. The schedule is as follows:

    • Part 1: Aug. 24 (9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.) – live, in-person
    • Part 2: Sept. 26 (1-3 p.m.) – virtual
    • Part 3: Sept. 28 (9-11 a.m.) – virtual

    If you are interested, RSVP to Amanda Rysz at; For more information, visit

  15. OSU Extension Annual Conference – Save the Date for Dec. 5-7

    annual conf save the date image

    The 2022 OSU Extension Annual Conference will be held on Dec. 5, 6, and 7 in the Columbus area. The specific location will be determined soon. The conference will be held in-person; there will not be a hybrid option.