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Extension Operations

Ohio State University Extension


County/Unit Website Access Requests

All county employees and staff in other Extension-related units are encouraged to help update content on your website. Staff should determine at the unit-level who is responsible for content on the website, and that task can be shared among several employees. Each editor on a website accesses the site via their own unique Ohio State name.# and password. Drupal training is required before employees are given access to edit a website. Live training is not currently available, but there are several tutorials and documentation available for those who want to become a website editor. Also, if an employee has moved from one county or unit to another recently, you do not need to be retrained in Drupal, but we do need to adjust your editor access on each applicable site. Contact Cheryl Buck, Extension communication manager, at for information about the Drupal training materials and access to your website. It is not necessary to submit a ticket through the college IT help desk.