OSU Extension professionals haven’t let the pandemic slow them down in terms of providing useful, research-based content to Ohioans. These new or revised fact sheets have been posted since we all headed home:
Be Alert for Spotted Lanternfly, by Ashley Kulhanek and Jamie Dahl (from CSU)
Household Water Use, by Karen Mancl
Kiwifruit and Hardy Kiwi (Kiwiberries), by Gary Gao, Ryan Slaughter, and Bradford Sherman
Growing Hardy Figs in Ohio, by Ryan Slaughter, Gary Gao, and Bradford Sherman
Engaging Older Youth in 4-H Club Work, by Hannah Epley, Jeff Dick, and Jason Hedrick
4-H Project Learning, by Jo Del Williams
Tools for 4-H Public Speaking, by Hannah Epley
Involving Teens as 4-H Leaders, by Hannah Epley
College Savings Options, by Rosanne Scammahorn
Post Soybean, Going to Corn: Use Oats/Radish, by Sarah Noggle and James Hoorman
Post Corn, Going to Soybean: Use Cereal Rye, by Sarah Noggle and James Hoorman
Important Aspects of an Oil and Gas Lease, by Clif Little
Many thanks to everyone who is part of the Ohioline peer review and publication process, but especially to Michelle Gaston, program coordinator from OSU Extension Strategic Initiatives and Urban Engagement, who is graciously sharing her editorial expertise.