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Extension Operations

Ohio State University Extension


South Centers Video Updates

Each quarter throughout the past two years, OSU Extension Director Jackie Kirby Wilkins has connected with Tom Worley, director at OSU South Centers in Piketon, to discuss current Extension activities and provide program updates in a recorded video conversation. This month, Kirk Bloir, assistant director for 4-H youth development, and Sam Custer, interim assistant director for agriculture and natural resources, joined Jackie and Tom for a discussion about ANR and 4-H activities during the summer, as well as some stats about the 4-H program’s impact statewide and nationally. You can listen to their conversation and previous episodes on the South Centers' YouTube channel at – in the “South Centers Chat” playlist. Other playlists on this channel that involve Extension professionals include: Earth is our Home; Forage Focus; Marketing Matters; Healthy Aging Network; Food, Nutrition and Wellness; Healthy Living Resources; Specialty Crops; Sustainable Action; Tree ID Clips; Fruit Production; and Pike County Extension News Update.