Effective July 1, 2021, the university will allow business-related travel in line with updated health and safety requirements and our continued focus on fiscal responsibility. Faculty and staff are expected to exercise prudent fiscal management when considering FY22 travel arrangements to determine whether in-person or virtual attendance at any event, program or other circumstance will be most effective. The new travel guidance issued by the university can be found at the Office of Business and Finance website.
If you are attending a national conference during the next few months, use the appropriate travel approval statement below for each conference. The blanket approval email should be added as an attachment in your Workday expense report, along with a copy of the agenda and paid receipt for registration payment (PCard preferred).
2021 ESP National Conference Blanket Approval: OSU Extension employees have my approval to invest fees (to be determined) from their funds (program cost recovery funds preferred) to attend the Epsilon Sigma Phi national conference on Oct. 25-28, 2021 in Savannah, Georgia. See espnational.org/2021-ESP-National-Conference for more information. –permission granted via Jackie Kirby Wilkins, OSU Extension director
2021 NEAFCS Conference Blanket Approval: OSU Extension employees have my approval to invest registration, travel, and hotel fees from their funds (program cost recovery funds preferred) to attend the National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences conference on Nov. 2-5, 2021 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. This approval also includes any fees to register for the virtual portion of the conference, instead of physical travel. Check online for more information about the conference. –permission granted via Jackie Kirby Wilkins, OSU Extension director
2021 NAEPSDP Conference Blanket Approval: OSU Extension employees have my approval to invest registration fees (to be determined) from their funds (program cost recovery funds preferred) to attend the virtual National Association of Staff and Program Development Professionals annual conference on Nov, 30-Dec. 2, 2021. See naepsdp.org for more information. –permission granted via Jackie Kirby Wilkins, OSU Extension director
2021 NEA4-HYDP Conference Blanket Approval: OSU Extension employees have my approval to invest registration, travel, and hotel fees from their funds (program cost recovery funds preferred) to attend the National Association of Extension 4-H Youth Development Professionals conference on Nov. 15-18, 2021. This is a hybrid conference, with virtual and in-person activities. Check nae4hydp.org online for more information about the conference. –permission granted via Jackie Kirby Wilkins, OSU Extension director
We will do a blanket registration approval for the OSU Extension Annual Conference on Dec. 7-9, 2021 and the OSU Extension Support Staff Conference on Oct. 14-15, 18-19, 2021 after registration fees are determined.