The Office of Research is making changes to its processes that will impact CFAES proposal submissions, EPA-005s, and award acceptance. Starting July 15, 2024, new deadlines and requirements will be in effect. It is crucial that you understand these changes to ensure compliance and smooth operations. These changes are significant and will affect all relevant processes.
The following are a few of the main takeaways:
Notification to OSP: PIs must notify the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) of their intent to submit a proposal at least two weeks before the due date. For GDSU assistance, submit the intake form at least three weeks in advance or work with your department grant manager within this same time frame.
Budget Review: Proposal budgets must be reviewed and approved by your Sponsored Program Officer (SPO) before submission. Final budgets and justifications must be provided to your SPO no later than three business days before the due date. If the proposal involves subawards, notify your SPO at least three weeks prior and submit all related documents with the final budget.
ePA-005 Form: Initiate the ePA-005 form, including the approved budget and justification, prior to proposal submission to confirm departmental and college support. If the ePA-005 is not submitted prior to the proposal, your proposal may not be submitted or if funded, accepted.
Final Proposal Review: The full proposal package must be finalized for SPO review by 5 p.m. one business day before the due date. This allows the SPO to check compliance with sponsor requirements and for the PI to make any necessary corrections.
Award Declination: After July 15, if the process is not followed and a proposal is subsequently funded, OSP will decline to accept these awards on behalf of the university.
View the detailed memo in its entirety here. And reach out to your Sponsored Program Officer with any questions.