The recipients of the 2022 CFAES alumni awards have been announced; and the ceremony to celebrate these award winners will take place in person on Saturday, March 5 at the Fawcett Center. A livestream component will be offered for those unable to attend in person, as well as the larger CFAES community.
- Meritorious Service Award: Steve Loerch, Pamela Thomas (MS, rural sociology), Henry Zerby
- Distinguished Alumni: David Brown (BS, dairy technology), Dr. Keith Howard (PhD, plant pathology), Juan Moreno (BS, dairy science), Dr. Alexandre Pires (PhD, ruminant nutrition), Dr. Ivanete Susin (PhD, ruminant nutrition), Bill Tom (BS, animal sciences), Dr. Robert Torres (PhD, agricultural education)
- International Alumni Award: Lucas de Araujo Souto (MS, animal sciences), Dr. Ilhami Yildiz (MS, agronomy, PhD, agricultural engineering)
- Young Professional Achievement Award: Dr. Stephanie Langel (BS, animal sciences), Dr. Wendong Zhang (PhD, agricultural economics)
Nominations for the 2023 CFAES alumni awards are due by June 30. Once an alum is nominated, they stay in the pool for up to three years; and you can update their nomination each year if they are not selected or re-nominate them if their nomination expires. More information about the process and this year’s winners is available online at