Ohio SARE (Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education) funds will provide complimentary registration for the 2023 Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association (OEFFA) Conference for OSU Extension ANR faculty and staff. This year’s conference will be held Feb. 16 to 18 in Newark. Information about the conference can be found at conference.oeffa.org. To receive your complimentary registration, visit conference.oeffa.org/registration/?staff=OEFFA by Feb. 1. At the bottom of the registration page, there is a staff code field. Select OSU Extension in the drop-down menu, and your registration fees will automatically be paid from the statewide SARE fund. If you have questions, contact Mike Hogan (hogan.1@osu.edu) or Sarah Noggle (noggle.17@osu.edu), sustainable ag team coordinators.