Two recording studios are available for use on the CFAES Wooster and Columbus campuses. These rooms are set up for individuals to create course content, research and promotional videos, student projects, and other recorded materials.
To help ensure the safety of our CFAES colleagues and students, one morning and one afternoon appointment are available each day this upcoming semester so traffic can be limited in the spaces. Per Safe and Healthy Buckeyes, facilities will clean the high-touch areas twice a day and the main areas once a day. Individuals who use the spaces will be expected to clean the areas before and after use. Cleaning wipes will be made available in the recording studio.
Scheduling of the studio space is by appointment only. Please click on one of the links on the recording studio page, or contact the IT Service Desk at 614-514-4848 (IT4U).
Additional Recording Hardware Available: A limited number of iPads outfitted with Padcaster technology are available for week-long reservations, and can be picked up at the IT Service desks on the Columbus and Wooster campuses. These bundles can be used for recording video materials in the field, as well as several of the suggested activities outlined in the recording studio spaces (class introductions or overviews, promotional videos, etc.). Contact the IT Service Desk at 614-514-4848 (IT4U).